Trevor Hunt

Born on March 9, 1975, Kwakwaka’wakw artist Trevor Hunt is from Fort Rupert BC.

Trevor Hunt is a Kwakwaka’wakw artist from Fort Rupert, British Columbia. He began painting at the age of 13, developing an early passion for art that would shape his career.

Trevor learned traditional formline design and Kwakwaka’wakw carving techniques from his father, Stanley Clifford Hunt, and his cousins, Tim Alfred and David Knox. This foundation in his cultural artistic heritage has been central to his work.

In 1993, Trevor held his first solo painting exhibition in Montreal. Since then, he has consistently introduced a new painting each year, balancing traditional themes with his own artistic voice. His work reflects the rich narratives and cultural practices of the Kwakwaka’wakw people while exploring contemporary expressions.

Trevor Hunt continues to create and exhibit his work, contributing to the ongoing story of Kwakwaka’wakw art with each piece he produces.

By this artist