Ben Henry

Born in 1950 (Ontario, Canada)

Ben Henry, a member of the Deer Clan of the Onondaga Tribe from the Six Nations of the Grand River reservation in Ontario, Canada, is renowned for his exquisite sculptures crafted primarily from soapstone. This metamorphic rock, also known as steatite, has a long history as a carving medium, with roots in indigenous cultures such as the Inuit and Native Americans. Mined from underground and open-pit sources across Canada, soapstone’s softness and workability make it ideal for artistic expression.

In his work, Ben Henry seamlessly blends traditional techniques with his unique artistic vision, resulting in captivating and meticulously detailed pieces. His sculptures often reflect themes and motifs inspired by his cultural heritage, paying homage to the traditions and stories passed down through generations. Each sculpture tells a story, evoking a sense of connection to the land, ancestors, and spiritual beliefs of his people.

Henry’s mastery of soapstone carving is evident in his ability to bring out the natural beauty and texture of the stone while infusing it with his own creative interpretation. Whether depicting animals, ancestral figures, or symbolic elements, his sculptures exhibit a harmonious balance between form, texture, and narrative. Through careful shaping, polishing, and painting, Henry imbues his creations with a sense of life and vitality, inviting viewers to engage with the rich cultural heritage and artistic traditions of the Onondaga Tribe.

By this artist