Alex Kayotak

One original hand-carved sculpture by Inuit artist, Alex Kayotak. One traditional life scene carved out of ivory.

Born in Igloolik, Nunavut

Alex Kayotak, an Inuit artist from Igloolik, is renowned for his skillful use of diverse mediums, including caribou antler, fossilized whale bone, and walrus ivory. This variety of materials creates a captivating contrast of textures that is visually appealing. Kayotak maximizes the natural form of each material, allowing its raw structure to dictate the final product.

Alex learned the art of carving in the traditional manner, by observing his father carve at a young age. His sculptural style combines elements of naturalism, keen observation, and intricate stylistic forms.

Each of Kayotak’s works reflects a deep connection to the Arctic environment, capturing its raw beauty and complexity. His pieces are a harmonious blend of artistic vision and the inherent nature of the materials used, resulting in highly expressive and original artworks.